Zines available in my Etsy Shop

Zine measures roughly 5 x 7” hand stitched binding

Ever felt a weird vibe in your home? A cold spot in the hallway? A shadow move out of the corner of your eye?
Ghosts, spirits, stuck energy, bad vibes... we have different words for some common experiences.
Over the last 10 years I've gathered the following supply list & instructions from various sources; moms & professional witches, the internet, and friends!

I've found these steps have helped me update the energy of a place and make it comfortable to settle in, get work done, and live my life!

Zine measures roughly 5 x 7" 11 pages hand stitched binding

Learn to read a Natal Chart! Astrology is a language of associations. There are no good or bad placements, signs, or planets, only conscious and unconscious expressions. Any "uncomfortable" seeming placements show up to teach us something.
This intro to Astrology describes the basics of Houses, Signs, Planets and Aspects

Heavily influenced by the teachings from www.IncarnateAstrology.com

Hand sewn instructional zine, step by step guide to small rodent taxidermy.

Zine measures aroughly. 4x5"12 pages hand stitched binding

A Collaborative Zine developed by the SF Bay Area based art collective Blackwell Rose
This First issue illustrates first hand encounters with the supernatural and the occult, culled from the following online sources: WWW.GHOSTS.ORG | WWW.TALKPARANORMAL.COM | WWW.UFOFREEPARANORMAL.COM

Zine measures Roughly 4x5" 10 pages, hand stitched binding

Inspired by the moral panic surrounding the Slenderman stories, The Encampment is an original work of horror fiction featuring the creature.